Logical Errors

Appeal to Emotion

Logical Errors

Logical Fallacies

Faulty Arguments


Appeal to Emotion

The fallacy of appeal to emotion tends to intertwine with some of the others, such as epithet, euphemism, word magic, and mob appeal. It uses terms with highly affective connotations, hoping to substitute an emotional response for critical evaluation of the conclusion offered. Appeals to pity, sentimentality, bigotry, fear, patriotism, race pride, gender pride, school pride, shame, and guilt all work in roughly the same way. A magazine advertisement soliciting funds to help starving children-an idea most of us would presumably support-has a photograph of an emaciated little girl in unbelievably squalid surroundings. The caption reads "You can help Juanita to avoid starvation, by sending your generous contribution. Or you can turn the page." Notwithstanding the question of the worthiness of the cause, this message constitutes a double-barreled appeal to emotions-pity and guilt at the same time.

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Adapted from Albrecht, Karl. Brain Power. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1980.