Logical Errors

Appeal to Consensus

Logical Errors

Logical Fallacies

Faulty Arguments


Appeal to Consensus

The fallacy of appeal to consensus argues that the hearer should accept the conclusion merely because many other people supposedly accept it. A great deal of advertising uses this approach. One commercial proclaims, "It's the Pepsi generation!" This implies that an entire segment of the American public can be identified as connected with a certain product. With so many people presumably committed to the product, what right do you have to deny that it's the best thing for you?

Parent Topics:

Map of Logical Errors

I want to build a list of logical errors

I have a list of logical errors, but I'm always looking for more. I will post them as I get them ready.

Aristotle's Universe

Even Aristotle made errors in logic.

Adapted from Albrecht, Karl. Brain Power. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1980.